Reviews for 'Sugar Plum Panto'

Theatre Nova's 'Sugar Plum Panto' ​
"Yes, there are things that make adults laugh, and things that make kids laugh, with a good deal of overlap therein; but there’s also just the communal atmosphere of silliness and goodwill that tends to calm your (dare I say overworked?) parenting reflexes."
- Jenn McKee, PULP
Theatre Nova’s “Sugar Plum Panto” is sweet and delicious for the whole family​
"Through the allegories, the cast, which also collaborated on the script, addresses subjects like bullying, hero worship, personal responsibility and more. The evening I attended the show, there were a few kids under the age of 10 in the audience, and they were having as good a time as the adults as Marquis donned the mouse nose and crown, and careened all over Theatre’s Nova’s intimate acting space, and Dan Morrison ricocheted between his nutcracker outfit, the Frankenstein headgear and garb and his drag outfit, which included prominent boobs and a big blonde wig."
- David Kiley, Encore Michigan

“Nutcracker” Gets Parodied in “Sugar Plum Panto”​
"On a measurement scale, the comedy of “Sugar Plum Panto” ranges from the totally silly to the positively hilarious. It’s got something for everyone, candy for the kids and some subtle adult-type humor for the parents and grandparents. See it if you dare, see it if you must, but do see it for a well-intentioned spoof of some holiday traditions we’ve grown to love."
- Daniel Skora, IT'S ALL THEATRE