Reviews for 'Spin'

Encore Michigan
"These young men have nothing–except their love of people who are no longer in their lives, the fleeting connections they make in the here and now of the shelter, and their identity. Spin could be interpreted to be simply about survival through expressing one’s art–as in Angelo’s poetry and rap, finding a way to be needed of not always wanted and the tenderness that is to be found in a person when their wall is broken down by a caring heart."
- David Kiley, Encore Michigan

"Martinez and Matthew Webb play off each other beautifully. From the start, there’s a profound contrast in their vocal cadence and posture and movement. Webb, tall and lean, initially armors himself with anger and cynicism, while Martinez conveys a more softspoken openness that slowly chips away at Mila’s walls. When Mila finally trusts enough to ask Angelo to read to him, you know that a significant milestone has been reached."
- Jenn McKee
"“Spin” is a slender play, clocking in at around 80 minutes. Its tensions lay not so much in a traditional plotline, but in whether the relationship between Angelo and Mila will reach a manageable conclusion. In his otherwise dramatic excursion into the lives of two gay teenagers, playwright Rodriguez has slipped in some hearty laughs, mostly the result of the differing personalities of his characters. He also has a good grip on the many heartbreaking issues that affect gay youth, and they’re all on display here."
- Dan Skora

"Left-Coaster Turned Mitten-Stater: A Rising Star In Theater World: Rodriguez, who lives in Hamtramck, worked for Teach for America in the Detroit area for two years. He now teaches freelance theater arts classes through organizations such as Matrix Theatre and Living Arts. In addition to writing and directing, he has taken on the role of literary manager for Theatre Nova. Rodriguez said that the theater, whose slogan is "Fresh Voices, Hot Plays," had wanted to conduct a new playwrights' festival. With the focus on Michigan writers, we give them opportunities to be produced and seen."
- Amy J. Parrent

"Recently featured in the Latino Theatre Commons’ Carnaval of New Work and Western Michigan University’s Activate Midwest Festival, “Spin” also landed Rodriguez a commission with Milagro Theatre in Portland, Oregon, a residency with the Mitten Lab scheduled for summer 2016, and an inaugural artist-in-residence slot with Ann Arbor’s University Musical Society."